Addictive Elements Used by Online Casinos
Addictive Elements Used by Online Casinos In the world classification of diseases, gambling is listed under the category of "diseases involving addictive behavior." The evolutionary process of the Internet has made it possible to access an enormous number of bookmakers and online casinos . This has made online gambling a convenient and easy activity. However, it is important to remember that online gambling can be harmful. The following sections provide a basic understanding of the addiction mechanism used by online casinos. Relational power of OGVs to move gamblers towards addiction OGVs are a powerful medium for circulating entertainment and infiltrating everyday life. They act as actor networks that move gamblers towards addiction by interfering with the continuity of everyday life and altering its relational foundation. In the absence of well-functioning relationships, gambling is a non-conformist activity. These mediators expand the scope of gambling across time and help...